subhanAllah, alhamdulillah, Allahuakhbar!
Kecemerlangan itu tidak dikira dari segi berapa banyak sjil kelulusan atau pingat anugerah yang kita peroleh. Kecemerlangan itu dilihat dari kebangkitan seseorang selepas gagal, ditindas, dimaki dan diperkotak-katikkan. Kebangkitan dari jatuh!
Moga kita semua tabah dalam setiap ujian Allah. InsyaAllah............every cloud has a silver lining!!

InsyaAllah =)
Salam alaikom sis! How you've been? :) I've been a stranger to your blog lately.. havent been keeping up with your posts lately! this is so true.. the hardest part is always pulling yourself up again when you have failed. People don't usually take account of that, unfortunately they usually focus on your failure.
ReplyDeletetalk to you soon! ukhwah fillah! (haha my arabic isnt good.. hope that's right :))
so sis, you said you were going abaya hunting, did you buy anything so far :)