
Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Assalamualaikum wbt
SubhanAllah, alhamdulillah, Allahuakhbar!!

SubhanAllah. Setelah menerima panggilan telefon untuk datang kursus induksi dan seterusnya melapor diri untuk kerja..saya terduduk.(hehe dramatik). Ya Allah, bersediakah aku?? InsyaAllah!!!! (good self-motivation)

Packing apa-apa yang perlu, mempersiapkan diri physically, mentally and foremost...spiritually!!
Tiba-tiba berangan hendak menambah koleksi jubah/abaya..(sure kena leter dari umi, hehe)

Simply adore the sleeves!

MasyaAllah...............any sponsors??!! hehe

Red lining!!

SubhanAllah!! =) to go for now...packing!!

ps: jom pakai abaya!! =)


  1. salam alaikom sis! how you've been? Busy with your packing I'm guessing? :) anyway, nice abayas! I like the plain black ones actually.. they are simple yet really elegant! can you wear abaya to work? :D

  2. waalaikumusslm sis!! this pis from the internet n i really adore them..masyaAllah!!!

    abaya is a formal attire (i think)..n i don't think there's a problem to wear it at work..hehee

    any sponsors for these abayas?? (hands raise up?!!) cr sis!!

  3. salaam

    there had been an issue about wearing abaya at work..people kinda queried about how abaya make ur movements more limited..(not for meee!!) i can even run with my abaya on (when i have to rush to a patient hehe)..but i have to ensure the length is right, so that i don't have blood stained over th bottom of my abaya.

    Wearing abaya is in..u will feel soooooo comfortable insyaAllah :)

    oh..if only i have those abaya kat atas tu, dream abaya!!
